As of April 15th, the following changes have been made to the platform
- The address field for the patient has been split into 4 separate fields. These are as follows:
- First line of address – mandatory
- Postcode - mandatory
- City – optional
- Country – mandatory
- The address for the patient will still be prefilled from Salesforce, however it is now possible to edit the values
Should there be any questions, please contact
As of 22nd of December, the following changes have been made to the platform:
- Nuffield Hospital Group is now active on the platform as a provider with 25 hospitals (since
- The SMS for clients to confirm appointments has been changed, so the appointment date and
time are sent as separate values
- A button has been added in the lower right corner of the screen, that offers users the possibility
to jump directly to useful information about the platform
Should there be any questions, please contact
AXA Health UK using JAROWA platform to book appointments with Circle Health Group
As of the 28th of October, the final milestones were reached in a large endeavour between JAROWA, AXA Health UK and Circle Health Group to facilitate online appointment booking with
pre-population of client values directly from AXA Health UK.
In the following areas, changes are visible:
- Deeplink implemented to pre-populate doctor and clinic as well as client details via the URL directly from Salesforce
- When accessing the platform with a deeplink from AXA, the patient's address is set to not editable
- Status of booking updated: Bookings accepted by Circle Health Group are set to status Closed, as soon as the booking is complete.
- Appointments can be directly rejected by Circle Health Group, if the chosen slot is no longer available at the time of the booking. It is possible to start the flow anew and choose a
different doctor / slot
- Ca. 2700 Circle Doctors and 49 Circle Health Group Hospitals uploaded onto the platform to choose appointments with
Should there be any questions, please contact
Silent Launch of Circle Health Group on the JAROWA platform
As of the 9th of September, several larger changes were implemented on the platform to prepare for the onboarding of Circle Health Group. For users entering the platform using the link from
Salesforce to request appointments with Fortius Clinics, no changes should be visible. In the following scenarios, changes can be detected:
- When entering the platform without using a link from Salesforce, the user will have to enter the postcode by hand and then come to a new screen which will be used to select slots in the
- As long as Circle Health Group is not onboarded, it will not be possible to have any slots appear here
- As the Circle Health Group hospitals are gradually onboarded onto the platform, when entering the platform without using a link, it will be possible to select from hospitals & doctors on
the newly implemented slot selection screen. More information will be provided on this functionality with the formal release
- At an account level it is now possible for Jarowa to input if the hospital allows booking requests and or appointment booking only
- All postcodes for the United Kingdome were added to the platform
Should there be any questions, please contact